วันศุกร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

The Ocean Is Endangered Like Many Marine Species

Have you ever wondered if the ocean as a whole is endangered? With all of the pollution and the drastic change in the climate many creatures of the sea can no longer be found. This includes whales, fish, dolphins, seals and sea birds. Any animal that lives in the sea is facing many hardships due to the condition of ocean waters. Nowadays it is difficult to see many of the sea creatures of yesterday because of their depleted numbers. The ocean is endangered and because of that nearly all sea creatures are also endangered.

Who Is Responsible for Climate Changes
There is a good chance all of us are partially if not fully responsible for climate change because of the greenhouse effect. This has captured warm temperatures that are causing the ocean to get too warm. Polar ice caps are melting which is causing the natural habitats of many animals to disappear. This includes fish that are moving to cooler temperatures. They can't be found by animals that depend on them to survive. Many seal populations are in imminent danger because their habitat is disappearing. Whether there is a way to turn the greenhouse effect around or not is still left to be seen. You should do what you can to prevent it getting worse however.

Who Is Responsible for Polluting the Waters?
Everyone is responsible for polluting the ocean. This may seem hard to believe especially if you live nowhere near the coast. A lot of the pollution in the oceans is caused by oil tankers and oil rigs. There are way too many oil spills that kill off millions of sea creatures. Since everyone uses fuel to get around or to heat their homes, everyone is partially responsible for the pollution in the seas.

There are also manmade fisheries that use toxic chemicals to treat as pesticides and cleaning materials. These pesticides and other chemical materials are leaking into the seas and poisoning many sea animals. Wild caught fish can be eaten to stop the sale of fish that is causing contamination.

Endangered Animals Because Of Man's Cruelty
There are many species of animals that are endangered because mankind is cruel. This isn't anything anyone wants to hear but this is true. There is indiscriminate killing of seals and whales in the ocean waters and all over the globe. Some claim it is to help fishing, others call it scientific. Whatever the reasons, they need to stop. You can help to stop this killing be signing petitions and sending them to your government. You can help keep whales and seals and all other types of sea creatures safe. Make sure they have a future to look forward to. In Canada 300,000 seals are killed annually to turn them into all sorts of products. These products can be found in the UK. Don't buy them. In that way you will be effectively boycotting the people who are doing the killing. You can make a difference with much of what is wrong with the ocean and the creatures that live in it.

